The far northeastern territory in Italy has never served as a boundary. On
the contrary, it has been a “melting pot” for different cultures and traditions
throughout history, distinguished by the tasty dishes typically found in the
Mediterranean Sea and Middle European regions.

Many towns such as Grado, the historic cradle of the Venetian cuisine, Cormòns,
the town of the patriarchs displaying the Friuli flag, San Floriano del Collio,
with one of the many castles set between the Karst and the Julian Alps housing
warriors from beyond the Alps during the Middle Ages, widely express the rich
variety and always gratifying cuisine from the Friuli region. A wide range
of dishes such as the “boreto alla graisana” (a Grado fish soup which is spicy,
doesn’t contain tomatoes and is eaten with white polenta), the gnocchi made
of plums, the gulyas (goulash) of Hungarian origins, the wild fowl “in paiz”,
the kugelhups, (a cake of Austrian origins), the strudel di ricotta (roll
of pastry filled with ricotta cheese), are combined with modern dishes that
are chosen to compliment the tight links of Gorizia and its province with
the Hapsburg dominion, the poverty of the villages scattered around the Karst,
and the controversial “love-hatred” relationship with the High Serene Republic
of Venice.
Such dishes have successfully lasted through the test of time and represent one of the most interesting and pleasant cuisines in the new Europe, rooted in its territory while maintaining its origin. It is a cuisine to taste with joy from a country that has represented a remarkable meeting point for both the Far East and Western countries.